In retail shop Greeting makes a difference in sales. Whenever the customer enters the shop they gets bored to listening to the same greet as “Hello, can I help you?". So the standard answer by the customer is always "No thank you, I'm just looking." So it’s the time for the sales people to wake up and greet in a different way that customers gets attracted. Greeting should be in such a way that it makes customers comfortable in choosing their choice. They should not get disturbed by the way we greet. So the greet may be like “"Good afternoon and welcome to our store. We appreciate you taking the time to visit with us." This will certainly make them feel appreciated.
Most retail sales people follow the client around the store. This should not be done and some space should be given for the customers. After greeting, asking them to call for help if needed and moving away from them will make them feel comfort. Introducing our name and asking them how they should be addresses encourages more personal sales approach with the customer. This gains their trust and their loyalty towards the shop increases.
The sales get also affected by various other factors. Research has been done to study the impact of perceived salesperson listening behavior on relationship outcomes. In that study a scale for salesperson listening behaviour was developed and investigated the impact of customers' perceptions of salespeople's listening behavior on trust, satisfaction, and anticipation of future interaction. The result states that listening to the customers is a higher order construct composed of sensing, evaluating and responding. When customers perceive a high level of listening their trust towards the shop gets increased.
Research says that the mood of the sales person has an effect on the uniformity of customer service. The study also reveals that department-store salespeople provide a more uniform level of customer service than discount-store salespeople.
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