Let's not be philosophical, instead talk something physical. Obviously related to the topic. LOVE YOURSELF. When I say love yourself, its more important to love your life partner. Only then you can succeed. Without a healthy life partner, you cannot lead a happy life. I can read your mind, no no no, I didnt mean that. I mean the real life partner. The one who is with you from your birth till your death. None other than your body. Yes, your body is your life partner. Love your body.
I am not talking about what I read but what I experienced. Being healthy is more important in life. Being fit is more important to be healthy. Being fit and being healthy are two different things. People tend to confuse. But both go hand in hand.
One size doesn't fit all when it comes to fitness. Each one has to follow their own fitness mantra. But focusing on being fit brings miracle in your life. There is nothing called tomorrow in fitness. And there is no comparison to the past. Bring the element of past and future only if it motivates you.
Those who think its too late, I am already out of my shape, I have gained lot of weight, I have tried but its not working, these are all excuses. Nothing is late to be fit. Start slow but start now. The problem is NOW doesn't come today for many of us, who end up waiting for tomorrow which never comes. But after some or few workouts, we call it off saying there is no progress. There we expect magic to happen NOW. Years of assault and humiliation to your own body but expecting it to react in favor immediately is not fair. Give little more time. It will surely respond. Even Rome wasn't built in a single day. Its just stone and architecture. Thousands of architects worked on on it in a single day. But you are the only architect who can work on you. No one else can. So shape yourself.
I have come across two types of people. One who says I am tired, I can't do workout I will get more tired. Another who says I am tired, I want to do workout so that I will be fresh. If you fall under second set don't read till the end of this paragraph. This is only to the first set of people, don't skip workout even for a single day. Trust me, even if you are tired, do little. You will definitely feel fresh. Try it. And you can skip the next paragraph.
This is only for the second set of people. When you have a tiring day, its not wrong to have a cheat day. Give some breathing time for your body to heal and rejuvenate. You won't miss anything but gain more energy for the next day.
Let me share with you tips which helps you being consistent and keep going. Share your goal with your friends. Some may tease you in the beginning, nothing bad, they are friends. But few days later when your change is visible they start admiring at you. They praise you. Afterall we all are human, we would like to be praised. Have a "No matter what list" with you. Make fitness a point in that. Follow it religiously. Also if you have a workout partner that's the best you get in fitness. A partner will never let you down. There will always be a little more push, when you workout with your partner. If you can't find a partner, see yourself in the mirror and have yourself as your partner. Self motivation is the best motivation. You are a champ. You don't need anyone else to motivate you. See the mirror. See your changes. You will definitely get motivated. I bet you. You will love yourself.
I am happy, since you have read this. I will be even more happy if you start your fitness journey today.
Happy Reading!!!