Sunday, April 5, 2020

Look at the larger screen

I am sure you will agree with me on the statement, “He is always on phone”.  Either someone would have commented about you or you might have commented about someone else. It's common nowadays to come across this statement. In my case, I was told directly that I am always on phone.

Very true, I rather we, let me take the liberty of including you to be my partner in crime (Using phone always). If you are not eligible to be my partner, then this piece of blog is not for you. You can carry on with your work, but don’t look into the mobile now. Others, my partners, you can continue reading this. Yes this is for you.

Mobile has become a part of our body. Like our hands, legs. Why do we carry our mobile everywhere? Is it so important? The reason we might quote is "we might get important call". Every time? Is that true? Aren’t we deceiving ourselves? But why do we do that? What are we fiddling with our mobile every time? We unlock and check if we have received any messages once a while. May be hundreds of time in a day. Even more than that. (300+ times in my case)

There may be many reasons why we use mobile often. It could be to chat, play games, check social media, read news, talk, etc.

The base for this addiction towards mobile started  long back with me through Orkut. Not sure how many of you have actually heard of Orkut. A social media which was trending in 2005. Most of the 80’s kid will be knowing. Kids!!! I will call them kids since I am one among them and yes we are still kids. Increasing the count in the scrapbook was an achievement. There is no limit of the atrocities we had. We will be in the same room in the hostel yet we communicate through scrapbook of Orkut. “Machi lets go to Mess for dinner”.  Reminds me of my hostel days.

Then came the facebook. Achievement is based on the number of likes you receive. Don't you agree, we choose the best possible photograph to get the most number of likes. We fail to look at others how they are in the picture. Tag friends so that his or her friend will also likes the photo and increase the number of likes. My friend from next room shouted “Machi give one like, it will turn to 100”. 

And now its Instagram. Again likes and comments. Oh yes!!! The hashtags. More the hashtags more the reach. 

Whatsapp has become one of the major source of communication. Both officially as well as personal communication. It has made our life at ease, no doubt.  But it has also taken most of our time. Aren't we spending most of our time checking WhatsApp message and replying immediately! And status which we keep and looking back at who has viewed our status is a trending addiction now.

Some of us spend our time in Games either in mobile or in system. I am one of those who was addicted to Counter Strike, AOE, Clash of Clans, etc. Later somehow this addiction has changed. Recently I happened to play Ludo which easily took more than 3 hours for a game. Before I get addicted, I uninstalled. There are hundreds of such games which kills our time.

Let’s come back to the title, “Look at the larger screen”. It doesn’t mean avoiding only mobile but also Ipad or Laptop. Let's take time to look into the larger screen, “The world”. There are much more things in the world which you cannot find in the smaller screen. The reality. What we look into the mobile or internet is virtual. No doubt it helps us to gain knowledge easily but what’s the purpose of gaining knowledge if we don’t use it. There are certain important things in this world which doesn’t require knowledge. The hard truth is "Everyone expects it from others but not everyone gives it back". Its not that you don’t have but we have reasons. It’s the "Human Touch".

Looking into the smaller screen makes us blind. We become insensitive to what’s happening around. We fail to see what our closed ones need. It’s not always the materialistic thing which fulfills the need of your loved ones but is your time. Our usual excuse is, sorry what can I do!!! I don’t have enough time. Really? Have you ever noticed how much time are we spending on the little devices which kills away our time? Try installing some app which can track your mobile usage time. You will be surprised. Just give a try and  track. 

Spend those valuable time with your near and dear ones. You can try new things, you don’t know to cook? Still you can give a try. They will be surprised and happy when you cook. Give a try. Not necessarily cooking, you can help your parents / spouse in the household. Spend time with your kid, the most important thing. Kid doesn’t know to express but it matters a lot. You can spend time for yourself. Do what you always wanted to do but didn’t do because you didn’t have time. Read, Write, Paint, Join a course, anything which you couldn’t.

All these are not specific to our generation. It has equally affected the older generation as well as the future generation. Kids imitate us. We happily comment, “See how much talented the kid is”, she is able to unlock the mobile and using it”. Are we doing good to the kids? How many of us were wearing Specs at the age of 5? But now? Aren’t we the reason for their eye sight? How can the kid be responsible for it. Let me repeat, “Kids imitate us”. So let’s be careful looking into the smaller screen.

What next? Let's not miss what we were missing. Don’t miss it anymore. Don’t blame the time. It’s all yours and you can decide how you want to spend.

Just because I am writing about it doesn’t mean I have changed. This content is a proof that I haven’t changed completely. Even now I am writing in the smaller screen but I didn’t fail to look into the larger screen. Sometimes you need to look both the screens. Being my Crime partner you are also looking into the smaller screen. Yes you are and I made you to look into it. Now you can go ahead looking into the beauty of the larger screen. Much more than what you have thought of!!!

Worth looking into it!!

Happy Reading!!!


Kavi said...

Hope you come over your phone stress soon

new idea said...

Nice one .factu !!

Unknown said...

Yes .. kids imitate us .. good work ramesh babu .. sensible writing ... keep going .. good luck ...

maniraaj said...

Very well written. Unfortunately the current covid era is making us slaves to mobiles much more than ever. I only hope like how games evolved n made us forget AOE, social media evolved n made us forget orkut, we forgot telephone once mobile came, now something better will come for us to forget this. But as u said these inventions are not going to help us understand the larger screen better though we think the entire world is in our hands. Unfortunately we forget that's its real and not real. Many a times I see ppl capturing an event in phone than enjoying the event in live. We live as if we are immortal and going to live for ever thinking of future. These small screens are good if used wisely and used to appreciate the life in big screen. The problem is we think we have time. This Corona I m sure wanted to teach man kind to live life as if it is last day but in a very tough way. Your article has made me think in these lines. Will surely look at bigger screen babaji.

Unknown said...

Nice.. Really good...