Saturday, August 15, 2020


Today 15th August, being the Independence day of our Country let's celebrate our independence day with proud, happiness and salute our patriots who fought for our freedom. Our country got freedom and declared as independent in 1947. But are we? 

To get the answer, let's think about us for a minute. You may have a question.. Think what? You are right.. what should we think now to get the answer.. Each one of us will have a different perspective of independence. For some of us, independence is free from pain. Again pain of what? Physical pain or mental pain or emotional pain? For few others, independence is free from financial rat race. For some, independence is not dependent on anyone. But the most important independence is freedom of thoughts. 

Who is responsible for our thoughts? I'm not gonna tell it's only us. Our thoughts are influenced by many external factors. Our parents, our friends, our pets, our present situation, past, etc etc. All these influences our thoughts but it's only one person who owns it and responsibile for it.'s you. Though we are responsible for our thoughts, we block it inside. Those who break it become innovators. We all have an innovator inside. But the Terminator kills that innovator for us most of the time. It's we who don't allow our innovator to think beyond. We don't give freedom to our thoughts. Let's relase the innovator and give independence to ourselves.

Happy Independence day!!!


Anonymous said...

That was really useful.Quite fresh outlook on independence,well written.Keep writing :)

Suresh R said...

Thought provoking. Keep going

Ramesh said...

Thank you..

Ramesh said...

Thank you :)