Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Need for post" changed to "How to tackle the exam"

I need 5 more posts urgently to get my blog approved in a particular website so i am writing this post. I don't know what to write. I just started writing as i usually write in the exam. In my exam if i don't know any answer for the question (usually i don't know the answer so this happens frequently), I will never sit and think for the answer. There is nothing to think and write because if the answer is studied and i forget i can think for the answer. But i would not have studied so there is no need to think. To tackle this situation i will start wring the question number so i cant escape from writing the answer even if i don't know. I will start writing something related to the answer. I will think myself those i write is relevant to the answer. See now also i did the same. I didn't know what to write. I didn't think even for a minute. But wrote these much lines. It happens. Genius are nor born. They are made. Very good example is me. Don't laugh. I have first kept the title of this post as "Need for post" and i have scribbled something. But now i am changing the title as how to tackle the exam.

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